There are many books on the I-Ching and a wide range of online sources. Here we list a short selection of recommended titles from our personal use and study of the Book of Changes over the last thirty years.

You may also like to investigate our I-Ching Counters Set for a new way of quickly consulting the world’s most ancient oracle.

Total I Ching, Stephen Karcher (Time Warner, 2003).

A Guide to the I Ching, Carol Anthony (Anthony Publishing, 2004)

The I Ching, trans. James Legge (Dover Books, 1963)

The I Ching, trans. Hellmut Wilhelm (Princeton, 1967)

Eight Lectures on the I Ching, Hellmut Wilhelm (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1960)

The I-Ching Workbook, R. L. Wing (Doubleday, 1979)

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